Geekonarium projects, electronics, fun, geek stuff Sun, 09 Feb 2025 14:11:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Geekonarium 32 32 Lightgun Lichtknarre > Configure ViGEm connector plugin for Dolphin or Mame Wed, 05 Jun 2024 10:39:26 +0000 Here you can learn how to configure "Lichtknarre"-Lightgun-tool for Dolphin- and Mame-emulator by using the ViGEm connector plugin. In theory you could also use the mouse plugin, but than mutible lightguns are not possible.

Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > Configure ViGEm connector plugin for Dolphin or Mame erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.


What is going on here?

Here you can learn how to configure “Lichtknarre”-Lightgun-tool for Dolphin- and Mame-emulator by using the ViGEm-connector-plugin. In theory you could also use the mouse connector-plugin, but than mutible lightguns are not possible.

If you dont know what “Lichtknarre”-Lightgun is check this out:

Install and configure ViGem driver

Download and Install:

Update: ViGEm installer is now in the setup routine of Lichtknarre.

The ViGEm driver does not require a test mode from windows for installation, as it is certified by microsoft. This driver allows Lightgun to create and destroy virtual Xbox gamepad devices. It’s like plugging an Xbox gamepad into your PC.

You can use as many gamepad you like. Lichtknarre will send the input to these devices so the emulator can pick them up.

Select plugin

Select the ViGEm plugin for the player and its assigned device, which should send the data to the ViGEm gamepad. The first player/device sends to the first ViGEm gamepad and the second to the second gamepad and so on.

  • player1 > ViGEm connector plugin > ViGEm virtual gamepad 1 > emulator has to use virtual ViGEm gamepad 1
  • player2 > ViGEm connector plugin > ViGEm virtual gamepad 2 > emulator has to use virtual ViGEm gamepad 2
  • p3
  • p4
  • etc…

If you connect Wii Remote you will see an xBox gamepad appears in joy.cpl in windows configuration.

win > run > Enter: joy.cpl > hit enter


Use the button in Lichtknarre to show joy.cpl. 


Emulator configurations

If you are interested in adding a tutorial here, just post a link in the comments, write an email (imprint) or come to discord.

Dolphin 4

For Dolphin, you can configure the buttons normally by using the player assigned device.  To do this, select the ViGEm virtual gamepad for the associated player.

(pic is outdated, use virtual xbox gamepad)

To transfer the input from the lightgun to the axes of the virtual ViGEm gamepad into Dolphin, you have to configure the “up”, “down”, “left”, “right” dialogue manually. For this use right click on the buttons and search for “Axis X- X+ Y- Y+” and configure it like in the picture.

Make sure you strech the picture over your full screen else it is not pixel perfect targeting because the software things you use the full screen and the emulator only uses a part of the screen because maybe the game is in 4:3. 

Please read this for more infos:

rumble feedback

The best way is to use `Motor L“Motor R` rumble effect in Dolphin. Don’t forget to activate rumble in connector plugin settings “use rumble of connected process”.

You can find settings here:

Here an full example to configure native rumble feedback:

Use the right connector-plugin and controller. May be not the same.

Dolphin 5

Lichtknarre is now compatible with Dolphin 5. Injecting a hook into Dolphin to filter out real wii remotes so that they can be used by Lichtknarre. For this, however, some settings must be made in Dolphin 5:

  • Use only emulated wii remotes
  • Activate “Connect Wii Remotes for Emulated Controllers”.
    • Update: depends on Dolphin5 version. Sometimes it needs to be deactivated.
  • Activate “Continues Scanning”
    • Update: depends on Dolphin5 version. Sometimes it needs to be deactivated.
The real wii remote functionality need to be activated so the hook can disable it. Lookup first screenshot. You should also close all other programms which has wii remote clients. At Steam there is also the possibility to connect wii remotes. So this needs to be closed, because this could additionally disturb the whole process.
Also Lookup second screenshot how i setup the controller for the wii. For gamecube it should be the same as for dolphin 4.

(pic is outdated, use xbox controller)


Mame is not that easy. First configure the global config like this:

Make sure all the games uses the global configuration. By resetting the game configuration.

Afterwards start the game and configure the lightgun and the keys.

Press Tab > Enter “input (general)” > enter “player 1 controls” > scroll to Lightgun settings and configure by pressing enter.

Now goto mame.ini in your Mame folder and change the following values to the following values:

joystick_deadzone 0
joystick_saturation 1

You may also want to try out the lowlatency setting:

Happy playing!

You have to move the wiiremote horizontal when configuring “Lightgun X Analog” and move vertical when configure “Lightgun Y Analog”.

By hitting esc you can return to the game. But dont forget to configure the keys for coins and start by using the wii remote. You can do all this configuration for other players also.

Make sure you strech the picture over the full screen, because else the iron sight accuracy is lost. The game could be in 4:3 ratio and your screen is 16:9. For more Infos please read here:

Sometimes mame has problems with mouse and joystick performance. That is why I will make the input per second configurable for the ViGEm plugin in the Lichtknarre software.

You will then be able to configure it here:


Now your able to configure all the Buttons you need. Here is how i configured my Buttons with ViGEm connector:



It is very basic and you shall better include this into your actual config than override.
The configuration is located in “mame folder/cfg/default.cfg”


tutorial comming soon. But yes its compatible now! And other emulators.

ViGEm connector plugin settings

Use ?-Buttons in the Settings to get more infos. We will only highlight important settings here, because with new version these infos are outdated very soon.

You have to set every option for play individual for every player.

Known Bugs:

  • Settings has wrong labeling. It still shows vjoy labeling. But it is ViGEM labeling. This bug is because of copy pasting the Form. (fixed in
  • ViGEm Home-Buttons Feature from settings was broken. (fixed in

see changelog:

rumble feedback

You have the option of accessing the rumble feedback from the third party tool (emulator, etc.) in the settings or having Lichtknarre trigger the rumble feedback yourself when you click on a button.

possible rumble options:

  • use rumble of connected process (programm which uses vigem controller)
  • rumbleA
  • rumbleB



Can help you with calibration of the emulator if you have trouble configure the third party process (emulator). Or in other scenarios.

Lookup ?-Button for Keyschemas to get more Details.

more Tips

  • Try to disable Bad-LED mode and interpolation if you want to play with this tool. Depends on the capability of your local setup.
  • If your aim is inverted try this option:

user Tutorials

a list of tutorials made by users:


known problems

  • XBox-Gamepad translates to WASD-Keys in Steam-Apps. You can disable this. find Tutorial on the internet and post it here as comment.
  • XBox-Gamepad translates to WASD-Keys for UWP-Apps. You can disable this. find Tutorial on the internet and post it here as comment.

submit your tutorial

Since I cannot test all emulators or third-party tools, you can send your tutorial to the following e-mail address and I will publish it on this website under your name:

Please use Google Docs or something similar, as I will not open any strange files. 🙂


If you have a 3D Printer and it is calibrated with the following Tutorial and you want to help me to finnish a project please contact me!

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Common Informations about Lichtknarre Sun, 26 Mar 2023 15:43:24 +0000 Der Beitrag Common Informations about Lichtknarre erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.


What is going on here?

Here you will learn all the information about the Lichtknarre common abilitys.

If you dont know what “Lichtknarre”-Lightgun is check this out:

How to use commandline

There are detailed explanations of all commands with the command on cmd:


Lichtknarre.exe --help


Lichtknarre - help

You can use Lichtknarre.exe even if it is already running and executed.
Thanks to the IPC communication the commands are always sent to the main
process. But only 1 command can be executed every 5 seconds.

 Keep the numerical limits of the commands otherwise this could lead to crashes.
If you have misconfigured reinstall the application or delete all ini files from
the folder.

# List of all commands from the Lichtknarre main program:

    > set connectorplugin {player index} {connector plug identifier}
  Explaination: set connector plugin for player
  Example: Lichtknarre.exe --set connectorplugin 1 mouseConnector
  Possible connector plugin identifiers: vJoy2Connector, mouseConnector
  playerindex begins at 1
  You can only edit players which are available in the tool.

# List of all commands from all Connector Plugins:

    > mouseConnector adjustAxisForPlayer {playerIndex} {adjustX} {adjustY}
     Explaination: Set adjust X,Y for player.
     Example: Lichtknarre.exe --mouseConnector adjustAxisForPlayer 1 -1.3 2.5
     playerindex begins at 1
     You can only edit players which are available in the tool.
     Floating values are with dot format. Maximal value:200 Minimal value:200

    > vigemConnector adjustAxisForPlayer {playerIndex} {adjustX} {adjustY}
     Explaination: Set adjust X,Y for player.
     Example: Lichtknarre.exe --vigemConnector adjustAxisForPlayer 1 -1.3 2.5
     playerindex begins at 1
     You can only edit players which are available in the tool.
     Floating values are with dot format. Maximal value:200 Minimal value:200

    > vjoyConnector adjustAxisForPlayer {playerIndex} {adjustX} {adjustY}
     Explaination: Set adjust X,Y for player.
     Example: Lichtknarre.exe --vjoyConnector adjustAxisForPlayer 1 -1.3 2.5
     playerindex begins at 1
     You can only edit players which are available in the tool.
     Floating values are with dot format. Maximal value:200 Minimal value:200

# List of all commands from all Tracker Plugins:

    > wii4LEDTracker set defaultIrGameOffset {Left Offset} {Right Offset} {Top Offset} {Bottom Offset}
     Explaination: set default IR game offset for Wii 4 LED tracking system
     Example: Lichtknarre.exe --wii4LEDTracker set defaultIrGameOffset 1.2 1.5 2.3 1.2
     Floating values are with dot format. Maximal value:40 Minimal value:-40

   > wii2LEDTracker set defaultIrGameOffset {Left Offset} {Right Offset} {Top Offset} {Bottom Offset}
     Explaination: set default IR game offset for Wii 2 LED tracking system
     Example: Lichtknarre.exe --wii2LEDTracker set defaultIrGameOffset 1.2 1.5 2.3 1.2
     Floating values are with dot format. Maximal value:120 Minimal value:-20

The following article is about the nuts and bolts of using the command line with Lichtknarre. This includes the following topics:

interprocess communication

Thanks to interprocess communication, you can send commands even when the Lichtknarre is already running. The command is then sent to the already running process and the current process gets the answers from the main process printed on the command line.

administrator UAC prompt

The UAC query will appear every time the commandline is called. Currently there are only two real ways to deal with this. Confirm the prompt or disable UAC. There alot of tutorials out there to deactivate UAC. But be careful, because your computer will be vulnerable. This is more suitable for people with arcade machines, which have only this one task.

If wanted I could write another seperates commandline tool, which needs less rights and sends Lichtknarre.exe the command after starting Lichtknarre. Please write me in the comments. If you know another solution please also write to me in the comments. Thanks in advance.

value limits

In the first versions there will surely be errors with the new commandline feature. therefore pay attention to the numerical limits in the description of the commands. If you exceed these on purpose it can lead to crashes. If this happens reinstall lightbar or delete all ini files from the installation folder.

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Lightgun Lichtknarre > Wii 2 LED tracker plugin – iron sight aim Sun, 09 Jan 2022 12:31:16 +0000 Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > Wii 2 LED tracker plugin – iron sight aim erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.


Whats going on here?

Here you will learn all the information about the Lichtknarre – Wii 2 LED tracker plugin. If you don’t know what Lichtknarre is, then look here:

The Wii 2 LED Tracker Plugin lets you play with 2 LEDs and the Wii remote with the accuracy of a rear sight.

Show me!


  • Only needs to be calibrated once in theory.
  • The user can move to a certain degree. It is not necessary to stand exactly in the spot where the calibration was made.
  • Wii controllers can be quickly connected without the need for Windows menus.
  • Easy to use with other games through vjoy2- or mouse-plugin.
  • Yes you can rotate the Wii controller. With no adjustment time. 180° is possible
  • The gun needs to be 2.3 – 2.5 times as far away as the display is wide.

Getting started

Follow this Step by Step Guide:

Come back for troubleshooting.


Mayflash Dolphinbar

Seems like LightGunMan found a solution to use Mayflash Dolphinbar. Look this video and read the description:

No warranty because i didn’t test it myself. Feel free to give feedback if it works for you.

From what I have understood it was managed to activate the LEDs permanently for this particular sensor bar. However, it probably still needs to be connected via a separate USB dongle.

More troubleshooting

For more troubleshooting guide look at the 4 LED-Tracker troubleshooting guide, because i didn’t had time to finnish this guide here. But its very similiar. 🙂

Lichtknarre > Wii 4 LED Tracker plugin


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Lichtknarre – The ultimate lightgun tool Sun, 12 Dec 2021 21:26:34 +0000 The "Lichtknarre"-project will give you the ability to use your wii remote to control your pc with iron sights/line of sight accuracy. The cursor is where you aim.

For gaming and home entertainment.

Der Beitrag Lichtknarre – The ultimate lightgun tool erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.


Lichtknarre makes your dream of light gun gaming come true.

Our vision of the application is to have different tracker plugins where many different devices are served with all possible tracking methods. These are then assigned to a player and forwarded to the games via the connector plugins.


32/64 bit – Windows 7 to 10 – Win11 should work but not tested

The software is still in beta status

Feel free to comment if you like it, found a bug or if you have questions. If you want todo me a favor please mark that project as made on instructables. Please download the program only from the official source, otherwise it could be modified. But in general we do not take any responsibility for any problems/damage.

check changelog (with known bugs), older versions and comming soon:
Use Lichtknarre under these terms:

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Lightgun Lichtknarre > About the plugin system Sat, 27 Nov 2021 00:12:53 +0000 Here you will also find information on how to programme your own connector or tracker plugin. In addition, tracker plug-ins are also compared here.

Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > About the plugin system erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.


What’s going on here?

Here you can learn about the Lichtknarre plug-in system. 

If you dont know what “Lichtknarre”-Lightgun is check this out:

What is the Lichtknarre plugin-in system?

The Lichtknarre plugin system makes the software modular so that it can communicate with emulators/games and devices. Here we distinguish between two types of plugins. Connector plugin and tracker plugin. Tracker plugins are responsible for the devices and connector plugins for the games/emulators. Lichtknarre do the playermanagement inbetween and much more.

See Pipeline

The communication is standardised by the Lichtknarre app between connector and tracker plugins.

vjoy – connectorplugin

The vjoy connector plugin sends data to the vjoy software which can be downloaded here: In this case the emulator thinks the inputs comes from game controllers.

mouse – connectorplugin

The mouse connector plugin sends data to the windows mouse api.

wii 2 LED – tracker plugin

Tracks data from the wii device and do position calculation for 2 LEDs and send it to the Lichtknarre-Software.

wii 4 LED – tracker plugin

Tracks data from the wii device and do position calculation for 2 LEDs and send it to the Lichtknarre-Software.

programm it yourself

You can also programme a connector or a tracker plugin yourself. Have a look at the Github pages for this:

Maybe for your next Unity game?

(At the moment sources are not up to date on github. Please be patient. Soon working pipeline will be created etc. Come to discord if your developer 🙂

dev community

Read tutorials before asking questions! This is only for developers and not for support. Read website or write questions on the website.

You can also ask your questions in this forum:,167028.0.html

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Lightgun Lichtknarre > What is IR Offset and why do I need it? Sun, 21 Mar 2021 17:47:28 +0000 Here you can learn what the IR-offset configuration for the “Lichtknarre”-Lightgun-tool is.

Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > What is IR Offset and why do I need it? erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.


What’s going on here?

Here you can learn what the IR-offset configuration for the “Lichtknarre”-Lightgun-tool is.

If you dont know what “Lichtknarre”-Lightgun is check this out:

What is the IR-offset configuration?

The IR Offset configuration allows you to set the distance of the infrared lights from the edge of the screen or the edge of the game. If you want to use the software with more than one game, you should therefore set the IR offset to the edge of the screen and always play the games in stretched full screen mode.

The Software can’t know how much distance the IRs have to the screen/game, thats why it is configurable.

Visual examples for IR offsets:

Example 1

Here you can see offset from the screen and the offset from the game.

Example calculation for right offset:

Full width = 40cm
right screen offset width = 1cm
right game offset width = 3cm

right offset: (40cm / 100) * (1cm + 3cm) = 1,6% 

same calculations can be used for left/top/bottm.

How IR calibration works?

When you do the IR-offset calibration in the program, the program assumes that your games are all played in stretched full screen mode. If this is not the case, you must adjust the offset manually. Try and error.

The calibration in the programme is not perfect either. It is best to validate your values again with the mouse plug-in and adjust them if necessary. Test decrease and increase the values step by step.

Enter the values manually

You can do the calculations from the example1 or try and error based on the calibration with the following dialogs:

The values from the example1 must be entered in the right textbox, because we calculated right offset. You can apply this calculation also for left, top, bottom.

If you want to start the calibration hit the calibration-wizard dialog.

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Download/Changelog: Lightgun Lichtknarre wiimote line of sight pc windows Thu, 14 Jan 2021 17:37:33 +0000 Der Beitrag Download/Changelog: Lightgun Lichtknarre wiimote line of sight pc windows erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.




  • Fix A Button for vJoy2 (bug from release)
  • Fix ViGem Nunchuck Direction-Button (bug from release)
  • Fix Mouse center only apply in calibration mode (bug from release)


  • ViGem Connector plugin
    • more infos:
  • native rumble feedback from emulators for ViGem/Vjoy-connector-plugins
  • key schemas for connector plugins
  • Select display for mouse connector plugin
  • an option to invert x,y axis for lightgun tracking


  • Performence update
  • show to tray works now
  • start minimized works now
  • rev1: typos in ViGEm Settings (vjoy instead of viGEm)
  • rev2: fixes home button hold for ViGEm connector plugin feature.


  • Make Lichtknarre Dolphin compatible. I think it works so far. Some quircks here and there. Maybe ppl can give me feedback.


  • Windows scaling bugfix (again!)
  • Adjust X,Y is now able to reach every corner.


  • there is now the possibility to configure which connector plugin is switched to when the home button is held for 5 seconds.
  • Commandline tool read here:
  • show scrollbars+fullscreen: for small monitor resolutions ppl now can resize the window an have scrollbars.


  • Bug: Another ini-file loading/saving bug is fixed now. Hopefully ppl do not get problems by these changes. Float values are now fixed with dot format.
  • Text-Changes: Some text changes to improve the experience.
  • Bug: 4-LED-Tracker Offset Wizard had some bugs and can’t be finnished.
  • Offset wizard showed useless debug ir-points.

In between fix because so many people had problems with 2 LED Tracker Lensfactor bug. The effects of the bug were that the lensfactor could not be loaded correctly from the ini file and therefore the cursor was positioned incorrectly for some.
  • Features:
    • Remember device to player
    • Modularize Tracker Plugins
    • Add 2 LED Tracker 
    • Minimize to Tray
    • start minimized
  • Fixes:
    • 4 LED Tracker:
      • When calibrating the IRs, than the angle correction algorythmus also is active. so you need to rotate the wiimote to have the IRs directly in the calibration boxes.
    • Tips of the day crashes
  • known Bugs:
    • 2 Player Tracker Plugin: If you rotate too much to the left, than mousepointer get stuck at the left screen.

    • 4 Player Tracker Plugin: If you have screen offset, than it can lose tracking in some unknown instances.
    • The -TR revision of wiiremotes are not supported atm. Thanks to Nostra for sending me this type of wii remote 🙂
    • On some PCs the lens factor has wrong default value in ini files. The comma is at wrong place. The real value has to be: 2,16 

First time we had a big tester crew! Thanks to all!

  • Featues:
    • 360° rotation. 
    • stabilisation for detected IR
    • non blocking Messages to user in application (like known bugs or update infos)
  • Fixes:
    • Enable/Disable “bad led mode”
  • known Bugs (All known issues will be fixed in next version):
    • When calibrating the IRs, than the angle correction algorythmus also is active. so you need to rotate the wiimote to have the IRs directly in the calibration boxes.
    • When tips of the day is not available in the internet the app crashes. All Apps crashed at 9. Nov 2022 till 14. Nov 2022.
  • Feature: BAD LED Mode!!!!!
  • Feature: seperate “IR-Offset calibration” from “gun calibration”
  • Feature: UI changes
  • disabled on the fly adjustment features which is cause mouse jumps for some people (ratio adjustment feature)
  • some text adjustments
  • Some timing changes to make aiming little bit smoother.

    Works only well with realy bright LEDs. So i rolled back to 0.9.5. Waiting for bad LED mode to apply these settings.
  • Fix: If you move very slow in one direction and back and furth again and again the mouse jumped.
  • negativ IR offset is now possible.
  • adjust time now on 0.8 seconds if you do not move or rotate.


  • Fix: Better IR-Offset calibration. Needs only 2 LEDs instead of 3 LEDs now.
  • Feature: new setting > input per second refresh cutoff (good for mame)
  • Feature: no gun preview when app is not focused. (performence)
  • Improvement: slighty better position calculation.
  • Feature: Better position calculation
  • Feature: IR-Offset calibration
  • Fix: Setup installs runtimes
  • First release

Comming soon

in planning/work:

Bring readjustment time to zero 0%
start with windows0.9.120%
try to get rumble feedback from vjoy2. Emulator sends rumble.0.9.1280%
multi mouse support (driver) – will see if that works. 0%
Wii Guncase as 3D print with lens addonno software80%
complete dev workflow for other ppl to implement connector/tracker plugins? 
better compatibility with newer wii remotes rev 034? 
rework screen/game offset for tracker plugins? 

device specific calibrations – makes multiscreen setup possible




  • more plugin options:
    • define key for rumble.
    • more rumble types etc.
  • subpixel mouse interpolation:
    • As the Wii has a resolution of 1024×768 only, higher resolutions cannot be used. But if the gun jumps between two pixels the sub-pixel can still be calculated.
  • auto assign settings for game. Profilemanager.
  • 4 LED Wii Tracker: bring adjustment time to zero
  • option when you hold trigger it rumbles in burst mode
  • Make Arduino based tracker
  • 2/4 LED Wii Tracker: offscreen reload
  • 4 LED Wii Tracker: Better offset wizard with mouse as constant comparison.
  • Better WordPress FAQ
  • Error analyses with user consens
  • graphic lib with async render
  • node editor to assign tracker capability to connector capabilitys and the other way around with modifier.

Let’s see if that works.

Der Beitrag Download/Changelog: Lightgun Lichtknarre wiimote line of sight pc windows erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.

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Lightgun Lichtknarre > Configure vJoy connector plugin for Dolphin or Mame Wed, 30 Dec 2020 05:48:10 +0000 Here you can learn how to configure "Lichtknarre"-Lightgun-tool for Dolphin- and Mame-emulator by using the vjoy plugin. In theory you could also use the mouse plugin, but than mutible lightguns are not possible.

Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > Configure vJoy connector plugin for Dolphin or Mame erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.


What is going on here?

Here you can learn how to configure “Lichtknarre”-Lightgun-tool for Dolphin- and Mame-emulator by using the vJoy connector-plugin. In theory you could also use the mouse connector-plugin, but than mutible lightguns are not possible.

If you dont know what “Lichtknarre”-Lightgun is check this out:

Install and configure vJoy

Download and Install:

Update: vJoy is now in the setup routine of Lichtknarre.

I tested it with v2.

Use following configuration:

Compare exactly the settings of the picture to your settings.

You can use as many joysticks you like. Lichtknarre will send the input to these devices.

Select plugin

Select the vjoy plugin for the player and its assigned device, which should send the data to the vJoy2 controller. The first player/device sends to the first vjoy controller and the second to the second controller and so on.

  • player1 > vjoy connector plugin > vjoy virtual controller 1 > emulator has to use virtual vjoy controller1
  • player2 > vjoy connector plugin > vjoy virtual controller 2 > emulator has to use virtual vjoy controller2
  • p3
  • p4
  • etc…

Every virtual vjoy controller has to be activated in vjoy configurator.

You can check your controller in joy.cpl in windows configuration.

win > run > Enter: joy.cpl > hit enter


Use the button in Lichtknarre to show joy.cpl. 


Emulator configurations

If you are interested in adding a tutorial here, just post a link in the comments, write an email (imprint) or come to discord.

Dolphin 4

For Dolphin, you can configure the buttons normally by using the controller. The Nunchuck is also supported. To do this, select the vjoy controller for the associated player.


To transfer the input from the lightgun to the axes of the vjoy2 controller into Dolphin, you have to configure the “up”, “down”, “left”, “right” dialogue manually. For this use right click on the buttons and search for “Axis X- X+ Y- Y+” and configure it like in the picture.

Make sure you strech the picture over your full screen else it is not pixel perfect targeting because the software things you use the full screen and the emulator only uses a part of the screen because maybe the game is in 4:3. 

Please read this for more infos:

rumble feedback

The best way is to use `constant` rumble effect in Dolphin. Don’t forget to activate rumble in connector plugin settings “use rumble of connected process”.

You can find settings here:

Here an full example to configure native rumble feedback:

Use the right connector-plugin and controller. May be not the same.

Dolphin 5

Lichtknarre is now compatible with Dolphin 5. Injecting a hook into Dolphin to filter out real wii remotes so that they can be used by Lichtknarre. For this, however, some settings must be made in Dolphin 5:

  • Use only emulated wii remotes
  • Activate “Connect Wii Remotes for Emulated Controllers”.
    • Update: depends on Dolphin5 version. Sometimes it needs to be deactivated.
  • Activate “Continues Scanning”
    • Update: depends on Dolphin5 version. Sometimes it needs to be deactivated.
The real wii remote functionality need to be activated so the hook can disable it. Lookup first screenshot. You should also close all other programms which has wii remote clients. At Steam there is also the possibility to connect wii remotes. So this needs to be closed, because this could additionally disturb the whole process.
Also Lookup second screenshot how i setup the controller for the wii. For gamecube it should be the same as for dolphin 4.


Mame is not that easy. First configure the global config like this:

Make sure all the games uses the global configuration. By resetting the game configuration.

Afterwards start the game and configure the lightgun and the keys.

Press Tab > Enter “input (general)” > enter “player 1 controls” > scroll to Lightgun settings and configure by pressing enter.

Now goto mame.ini in your Mame folder and change the following values to the following values:

joystick_deadzone 0
joystick_saturation 1

You may also want to try out the lowlatency setting:

Happy playing!

You have to move the wiiremote horizontal when configuring “Lightgun X Analog” and move vertical when configure “Lightgun Y Analog”.

By hitting esc you can return to the game. But dont forget to configure the keys for coins and start by using the wii remote. You can do all this configuration for other players also.

Make sure you strech the picture over the full screen, because else the iron sight accuracy is lost. The game could be in 4:3 ratio and your screen is 16:9. For more Infos please read here:

Sometimes mame has problems with mouse and joystick performance. That is why I will make the input per second configurable for the vJoy plugin in the Lichtknarre software.

You will then be able to configure it here:


Now your able to configure all the Buttons you need. Here is how i configured my Buttons with vJoy2 connector:



It is very basic and you shall better include this into your actual config than override.
The configuration is located in “mame folder/cfg/default.cfg”

vJoy connector plugin settings

(pic is outdated. use vjoy instead)

Use ?-Buttons in the Settings to get more infos. We will only highlight important settings here, because with new version these infos are outdated very soon.

You have to set every option for play individual for every player.


rumble feedback

You have the option of accessing the rumble feedback from the third party tool (emulator, etc.) in the settings or having Lichtknarre trigger the rumble feedback yourself when you click on a button.

possible rumble options:

  • use rumble of connected process (programm which uses vigem controller)
  • rumbleA
  • rumbleB



Can help you with calibration of the emulator if you have trouble configure the third party process (emulator). Or in other scenarios.

Lookup ?-Button for Keyschemas to get more Details.

more Tips

  • Try to disable Bad-LED mode and interpolation if you want to play with this tool. Depends on the capability of your local setup.
  • If your aim is inverted try this option:

user Tutorials

a list of tutorials made by users:


submit your tutorial

Since I cannot test all emulators or third-party tools, you can send your tutorial to the following e-mail address and I will publish it on this website under your name:

Please use Google Docs or something similar, as I will not open any strange files. 🙂


If you have a 3D Printer and it is calibrated with the following Tutorial and you want to help me to finnish a project please contact me!

Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > Configure vJoy connector plugin for Dolphin or Mame erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.

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Lightgun Lichtknarre > Wii 4 LED tracker plugin – iron sight aim Mon, 31 Aug 2020 19:27:36 +0000 The "Lichtknarre"-project will give you the ability to use your wii remote to control your pc with iron sights/line of sight accuracy. The cursor is where you aim.

For gaming and home entertainment.

Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > Wii 4 LED tracker plugin – iron sight aim erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.


Whats going on here?

Here you will learn all the information about the Lichtknarre – Wii 4 LED tracker plugin. If you don’t know what Lichtknarre is, then look here:

The Wii 4 LED Tracker Plugin lets you play with 4 LEDs and the Wii remote with the accuracy of a rear sight.

Show me!


  • Only needs to be calibrated once in theory.
  • The user can move to a certain degree. It is not necessary to stand exactly in the spot where the calibration was made.
  • Wii controllers can be quickly connected without the need for Windows menus.
  • Easy to use with other games through vjoy2- or mouse-plugin.
  • Yes you can rotate the Wii controller. It takes about 1 second for the programme to readjust. But this is actually no problem in use.
  • The gun only needs to be 1.3 – 1.5 times as far away as the display is wide.

Getting started

Follow this Step by Step Guide:

Come back for troubleshooting.



  1. Update your Windows! Windows 10 has several Bluetooth Updates. Look here:
  2. The special -TR version atm not working:
    1. There are wii motion plus remotes with TR and no TR.
  3. The wiiremote does not want to connect.
    1. Make sure your Windows-OS is up to date.
      1. If not make sure the bluetooth driver are installed in a correct way.
    2. Make sure your wii is off and than hold 1 and 2 till it is listed. Wait 10 seconds if you accendantly hit another button or do not hold 1 and 2 simultan.
    3. See solution 5
    4. See solution 6
    5. Disconnect Mayflash Dolphin-Bar. Make sure your PC only have one bluetooth-radio. Restart your computer and try again. 
      (I want to have MayFlash Dolphin-Bar support in future as an alternative more worse position recognition, but also with iron sight accuracy.)
    6. Some antivirus software do not allow the Lichtknarre-tool to use bluetooth by default. Maybe Windows Defender. You have to configure the antivirus software that it allows the tool to use bluetooth.
  4. My LEDs jump in the preview or flickers.
    1. see solution 1
    2. Configure IR sensitivity settings. Maybe to max.
    3. Use the BAD-LED mode which is available since 0.9.8.
    4. Your LEDs are too weak or have a limited glowing angle. Consider to build the LEDs from out tutorial:
  5. The cursor jumps back and forth.
    1. see solution 1 and 2
  6. My cursor jumps across the screen in a kind of grid.
    1. see solution 3
  7. The cursor moves too slowly.
    1. see solution 4
  8. When I connect my Nunchuck, the programme crashes.
    1. First connect the Nunchuck and start the programme.
  9. If I connect more than one Nunchuck, the programme crashes.
    1. This will hopefully be fixed in the next version.
  10. My cursor moves with an offset
    1. lookup this configuration:
    2. If you use vjoy2 plugin and the offset is only in the emulator, than its because of the emulator/game configuration. Please check mouse plugin without emulator/game if this happens also.

Possible solutions:

  1. You have other light sources around the screen.
    These must be eliminated. Even if you think there are none, there may be some due to reflections from other light sources in the surroundings. It may also be the case that yesterday everything still worked, but today it no longer works due to the incident sunlight. After these have been eliminated you should recalibrate the gun.

    1. You can use your smartphone’s camera to help you do this. This can make IR light sources visible.
    2. You can set the IR sensitivity in the programme. As reflective lights are usually darker, they can be excluded.

  2. You are standing too close to the screen. The gun must be at least 1.3-1.5 times the screen width.
  3. The wii camera only has a resolution of 1024×768, so if you have set a 4K resolution, not all pixels on the screen can be reached. You should therefore play at a lower resolution.
  4. It could be that your Bluetooth device is too slow. Check the compatibility lists of the wii remote for this.
  5. You installed third party wii software driver to your computer. For example: HID wiimote by Julian Oehr or touchmote (not sure about that). Please uninstall these drivers before usage.

    A good tool for this is:
    Please beware that you can damage your pc when you do something wrong. No waranty. On your own responsibility.

  6. You’r bluetooth dongle is incompatible. Please check:

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Lightgun Lichtknarre > LEDs building Mon, 31 Aug 2020 17:12:59 +0000 Here you can learn how to build LEDs for the "Lichtknarre"-lightgun software. 

Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > LEDs building erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.


Whats going on here?

Here you can learn how to build LEDs for the “Lichtknarre”-lightgun software. 

Information on the “Lichtknarre”-lightgun software can be found here:

no warranty

This project has not been developed to comply with industry standards, so we do not guarantee anything and will not pay for damages or other problems.

Beware: Only use the circuit if the box is closed and do not touch the LEDs when powered.

Show me!

Beware the circuit it outdated in this video tutorial, because the seller changed specifications. Use specifications from this tutorial.

Do i realy need todo that much effort?

Depends. If you realy want the ultra Version which works on Beamer etc than maybe you should build this. Since 0.9.8 we have also the BAD-LED mode. Low powered IR-LEDs should work in most cases also now! Some people had reported that 980nm LEDs which are also used in the Wii sensorbar work well for normal TV/monitor sizes without BAD-LED mode. Never validated this, but just in case:

See BAD-LED mode: 

You can also lookup the tutorials of other users:

Tutorials from other Users

Shopping list

  • 4 x 90° lenses
  • 4 x IR 850 nm High Power LEDs 
  • 4 x 1.5 Ohm resistors
    • Amazon
    • The resistors have to take 3W of power. They will become a little warm when powered.
    • Because 850nm High Power LEDs are used with 2.4V now we use these 1 Ohm reistors:
  • cable
    • Amazon
    • Music cables are good because +ve and -ve are together.
  • 3V power adaptor which can output 800mA * 4 LEDs = 3200mA 
    • Amazon 
      • This AC-Adapter outputs 3000mA but i dont find a better one 😀
  • 4 x plastic cases (or use 3d printed parts): 
    • Amazon
    • diameter: 24mm, height: 30mm  
    • round
    • with a screw cap
  • Lustre terminal, which fits in the plastic case.
  • electronic cables
  • round neodym-magnets
  • plastic distribution box (look 3d printed parts)
  • Power supply adapter


  1. soldering iron
  2. hot glue
  3. 2mm drill
  4. super glue
  5. and so on

3D print parts

Enclosures for electronics as 3d prints can be found here.



Housing is compatible with power supply adapter thanks to:



We want to create following the circuit:

Here you can change the configuration of the circuit if you like: LED-Calculator


All steps has to be repeated 4 times, because we are building 4 LEDs.

1. LEDs > case drilling
  1. Put the LEDs on the closed site of the casing. Not on the side with the screw cap.
  2. Mark 2 points. The holes should reach the + (positive) and – (negative) pole.
  3. Drill the holes.
2. LEDs > superglue

Now superglue the LEDs. Be careful not to cover the holes and glue the holes that you can reach the +ve and -ve pole when you put cables through it.

3. LEDs > glue magnets

Now put the magnets in the screw cap. Ensure that the magnet pole faces in the same direction as the others. Put it in place with hotglue.

4. LEDs > Glue lustre terminal in and connect

Two pieces of a lustre terminal will be cut off. Connect 10mm electronic cable and connect this to the lustre terminal. Put the cable and lustre terminal in the case, so that the cables go through the holes. If needed cut off some plastic. After this solder the cables to the LEDs.

Put the lustre terminal in place in the case and hotglue it. But ensure that the screws can still be accessed in the future.

When the hotglue is cold mark the holes for the screws which are not connected with black edding. Then drill two holes in the case where the free holes in the lustre terminal are.

4. distribution box > resistors

  1. Screw the LEDs together. The Leds should go in the same directions. (Look at the colours).
  2. Prepare the electronic cables like as image 3.
  3. Secure the cable with cable tie. Use black tie because it will become -ve pole. Not like in the picture.
  4. Screw the cable to the -ve pole on the power adaptor and the other cables to the lustre terminal.
4. distribution box > prepare long cables

  1. Cut off 4 cables. I would suggest 2 Meters, so its easy to use a beamer.
  2. Solder the red cables on one side together. Look at image 3. Secure all with a cable tie. Screw it to the positive (+ve) pole of the power adoptor.
  3. Screw the black cables to the free lustre terminal.
  4. the other side of the cables should be soldered so that it is easy to screw it to the LEDs.
4. distribution box > Put everything in the box

Pack it all in the box as I did. Put the lenses on the LEDs and than you’re ready to go.

CAUTION: Only test the circuit if the box is closed. Do not touch the LEDs when they are under power. There is no warranty for anything that goes wrong.

Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > LEDs building erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.

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