Lightgun Lichtknarre > About the plugin system

What’s going on here?

Here you can learn about the Lichtknarre plug-in system. 

If you dont know what “Lichtknarre”-Lightgun is check this out:

What is the Lichtknarre plugin-in system?

The Lichtknarre plugin system makes the software modular so that it can communicate with emulators/games and devices. Here we distinguish between two types of plugins. Connector plugin and tracker plugin. Tracker plugins are responsible for the devices and connector plugins for the games/emulators. Lichtknarre do the playermanagement inbetween and much more.

See Pipeline

The communication is standardised by the Lichtknarre app between connector and tracker plugins.

vjoy – connectorplugin

The vjoy connector plugin sends data to the vjoy software which can be downloaded here: In this case the emulator thinks the inputs comes from game controllers.

mouse – connectorplugin

The mouse connector plugin sends data to the windows mouse api.

wii 2 LED – tracker plugin

Tracks data from the wii device and do position calculation for 2 LEDs and send it to the Lichtknarre-Software.

wii 4 LED – tracker plugin

Tracks data from the wii device and do position calculation for 2 LEDs and send it to the Lichtknarre-Software.

programm it yourself

You can also programme a connector or a tracker plugin yourself. Have a look at the Github pages for this:

Maybe for your next Unity game?

(At the moment sources are not up to date on github. Please be patient. Soon working pipeline will be created etc. Come to discord if your developer 🙂

dev community

Read tutorials before asking questions! This is only for developers and not for support. Read website or write questions on the website.

You can also ask your questions in this forum:,167028.0.html

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