Kommentare zu: Lichtknarre – Das ultimative Lightgun-Tool https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre/ projects, electronics, fun, geek stuff Tue, 11 Jun 2024 12:48:28 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Von: Seth https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre/#comment-88 Tue, 06 Feb 2024 20:58:27 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=1642#comment-88 Hi,

After many tests, i finally got Player 1 gun working on F****. The problem come from teknoparrot or the game itself and happend when french keyboard is enabled at game starting… Setting US or UK keyboard before start resolve the problem.
So my apologies, no problem with vjoy or lichtknarre. (And sorry for the spam, didnt notice that my messages were waiting for validation).

Concerning wiimote association, this is always complicated to make them appear, i have to resync using 1 + 2 if computer has reboot. Same if done using sync button.
I dont know how its made in Touchmote, but a simple press on any button make it appear immediatly, even after reboot.
I hope, if you have time to make a future version, this will be improved as you mentionned it was in your backlog.

Again, it remains a remarkable work and very useful !
Thank you Sebastian.

Von: Sebastian https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre/#comment-87 Sat, 27 Jan 2024 22:38:06 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=1642#comment-87 Als Antwort auf Sebastian.

np, stay positive 😀

Von: dozeto https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre/#comment-86 Sat, 27 Jan 2024 17:34:10 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=1642#comment-86 ]]> Als Antwort auf Sebastian.

I see, thanks for the answer!!! 😀

Von: Sebastian https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre/#comment-85 Sat, 27 Jan 2024 12:06:51 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=1642#comment-85 Als Antwort auf dozeto.

You can’t categorize it like that. The Wii Remote is bluetooth 2.0, so any dongle you buy will go into bluetooth 2.0 backwards compatibility mode. Some dongles do this better and some worse. Of course, there are probably also worse and better Bluetooth 2.0 dongles where this works natively. as far as my current knowledge goes. 😀

I use TP-Link UB400 Nano USB Bluetooth 4.0 most times. But I’ve heard that there are also different revisions that you have to look out for. it’s really hard to recommend something, as I can’t run a big test series here. So i always ask ppl what BT dongles they use and how the experience is so other ppl can read it also. 🙂

As you have also experienced, I think that certain dongles are faster than others and therefore improve the experience..

Von: dozeto https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre/#comment-84 Sat, 27 Jan 2024 07:24:24 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=1642#comment-84 Als Antwort auf Sebastian.

Thank you for your fast answer!
The bluetooth I’m using is UGREEN Bluetooth 5.3 Adapter (CM591) which is not on the list. When I decide to buy a bluetooth, I was thinking that higher type might be better, Then now I see the list says that UGREEN 4.0 is more stable than UGREEN 5.0, is it possible that 4.0 bluetooth is better for wiimote than higher bluetooth like 5.3? May I ask which bluetooth you would recommend?
Thanks for the answer again, I’m very very looking forward to the update in lichtknarre!!! (。・∀・)ノ

Von: Sebastian https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre/#comment-83 Fri, 26 Jan 2024 21:34:31 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=1642#comment-83 Als Antwort auf dozeto.


thanks for your positive Feedback 🙂

Yes some Bluetooth devices works better than others. But in reality I probably can’t test every bluetooth device on the marked. Which one do you use now?

The Software is still in development. And a Ticket for research passtrough is in the backlog already, but not on high prio:


Von: dozeto https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre/#comment-82 Fri, 26 Jan 2024 18:10:32 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=1642#comment-82 Hello and thank you for this awesome software! Thanks for lichtknarre, I can play more lightgun games with my friend!
When my first time using this software with the bluetooth in my laptop, the connection between wiimote and computer is very unstable, then I brought a new bluetooth, the connection is stable now, but always has very high delay. While I play wii games with dolphin and its passthrough mode, it’s stable also don’t have high delay.
Then I wonder would you make a passthrough mode for lichtknarre ? That will be great help! : )

Von: Sebastian https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre/#comment-79 Thu, 18 Jan 2024 19:10:46 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=1642#comment-79 Als Antwort auf Sebastian.


It will take me some time to process all your information. As I am currently involved in a project. I will get back to you when I have new information on the subject. It may take some time. Thanks for the infos.

Von: Seth https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre/#comment-77 Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:47:55 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=1642#comment-77 Als Antwort auf Sebastian.

My comments seems to be removed maybe because I posted an url for the fork.

Thank your for your fast answer.

I was saying that i started with the version you mentionned on your blog (2.1.8) and encountered the problem.
Then i tried the fork from BrunnerInnovation/vJoy more adapted to Windows 11, more configuration option, but got similar problems.

I just made a test with keyboard mapped to vJoy and discover the Button 9 make the crash on alien Extermination … same as wiimote down button (associated to button 9 on vjoy)

So either the problem come from vJoy or TeknoParrot, but not Lichtknarre.
Will make more test for the P1 trigger problem in Far Cry Paradise Lost with virtual Keyboard soon.


Von: Seth https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre/#comment-76 Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:00:15 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=1642#comment-76 Als Antwort auf Sebastian.

My bad the version was from BrunnerInovation (https://github.com/BrunnerInnovation/vJoy/releases/tag/v2.2.2.0)
