Kommentare zu: Lichtknarre > Wii 4 LED Tracker plugin https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre-wii-4-led-tracker-plugin/ projects, electronics, fun, geek stuff Wed, 05 Jun 2024 11:48:02 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Von: Sebastian https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre-wii-4-led-tracker-plugin/#comment-42 Mon, 27 Mar 2023 21:40:47 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=454#comment-42 Als Antwort auf A.

Hi sorry this is out of scope of the project to make it compatible atm.

Von: A https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre-wii-4-led-tracker-plugin/#comment-41 Mon, 27 Mar 2023 21:16:47 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=454#comment-41 Als Antwort auf Sebastian.

Hi, thanks for the response. The cost of the LEDs are no problem. Its more like 15€ for this and 15€ for that etc. I already have one sensorbar and buying another one is very cheap. Plus the samco code for this 4IR is on GitHub. So the setup of my dream would be wiimotes plus samco calibration. I thought it could be added as an update so that you can switch between your pattern and the samco one.

Von: Sebastian https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre-wii-4-led-tracker-plugin/#comment-38 Fri, 24 Mar 2023 13:23:17 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=454#comment-38 Als Antwort auf A.


it seems to me that you are talking about the 4 LED tracker for the Wiiremote. The positions for the IRs with an inverted cross pattern is not changeable.

The 2 LED tracker for the WiiRemote is a little more flexible with the arrangement of the 2 IR-LEDs.

I hope that answers your question. If something is variable/optional, then it is also in the tutorials.

About the costs:

You also use normal 980nm LEDs. I think 980nm is better. You only need high power LEDs for big screens or you have light problems around you. xD I think 980nm is better than i used in this tutorial. If you use normal 980nm LEDs it can quite cheap.

Von: A https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre-wii-4-led-tracker-plugin/#comment-37 Fri, 24 Mar 2023 10:18:31 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=454#comment-37 Hi Sebastian, is it possible to change the led position in the app? I would like to use a 4 IR setup like the samco gun does (two on top and two on buttom). This Setup should work with two sensorbars. The IR building cost is quite high your shoppinglist (80€).

Von: Sebastian https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre-wii-4-led-tracker-plugin/#comment-14 Wed, 07 Apr 2021 15:07:35 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=454#comment-14 Als Antwort auf GBAGuy007.

Can you do me a favor and mark this project as made on: https://www.instructables.com/Wii-Remote-As-Lightgun-With-Iron-Sight-Accuracy/ ?

Von: Sebastian https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre-wii-4-led-tracker-plugin/#comment-13 Wed, 07 Apr 2021 09:33:26 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=454#comment-13 Als Antwort auf GBAGuy007.

Big thanks for your offer. I will send you an invitation mail soon. 🙂

Von: GBAGuy007 https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre-wii-4-led-tracker-plugin/#comment-12 Wed, 07 Apr 2021 02:30:26 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=454#comment-12 Hi, I love your project, I’m using it now and it’s working great where others like it failed. I can’t put into words how much I truly appreciate this project. I would also like to say that while this page was clearly made in German (and no offense, it’s not that fluent in English), I’m a native English speaker and would love to support you by localizing the English part of your site to make it that little bit more welcoming to newcomers as your page grows. Just tell me how I would do that and I’d gladly help.

Von: Sebastian https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre-wii-4-led-tracker-plugin/#comment-11 Sun, 21 Mar 2021 13:45:33 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=454#comment-11 Als Antwort auf Sebastian.

Update: Ah you sort the IRs by x and y. Yeah but i have still different approach.

Von: Sebastian https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre-wii-4-led-tracker-plugin/#comment-10 Sun, 21 Mar 2021 13:40:20 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=454#comment-10 Als Antwort auf Jerome.

I checked your code. Its not like my software. My Software do not need to see every IR at given time to calc the position. I have also one LED mode, after i saw 2 LEDs. The approach to find out which LED is which is toally different.

Also im not sure with your code that the wiimotelib gives you the correct IRs for top, left, right, bottom everytime by the same indexes.
But seems like that cause you use it. But than your software need to see the LEDs all at once to calc position. 🙂

Von: Sebastian https://geekonarium.de/lichtknarre-wii-4-led-tracker-plugin/#comment-7 Fri, 12 Mar 2021 22:38:40 +0000 https://geekonarium.de/?p=454#comment-7 Als Antwort auf Jerome.


thanks 4 commenting here :-).

# „Concerning the use of a single sensor bar while keeping an iron sight, I think you could propose to the user to define the 4 corners of the screen for the configuration. I would be curious to see the result.“
> Yes this is what i planned todo. Messure the distance of the wii sensor bar IRs. Than scale the distances of the calibrated points in ratio to the messured sensorbar IR distance. It can also be assumed that the sensor bar is horizontal. Therefore, one could also calculate the rotation in this way. Atm not 100% sure how it works in detail. But ppl done it already.

# „I can use the wiimote or the vjoy with iron sight too, but I couldn’t simulate rawInputs for some games/emulators. Did you find a solution?“
> Atm i tested only these emulators: https://geekonarium.de/en/lightgun-emulator-configuration/ . ginzu emulation on youtube atm test whole bunch of other emulators with vjoy2 plugin. I hope he will do some tutorial videos soon. I will let you know. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjVKvPckPpzCNX8BhuZ_FIg

# „I suggest you to have a quick look at my github which is basically your ideas : https://github.com/JeromeGsq/LightGunWiimote4Points/tree/develop/NetInputs“
> Thanks i will check it out 🙂

# „In my case, I would like to be able to play PCSX2 Time Crisis 2 to 2 players.“
> We tested that. Had no luck so far with the nuvee plugin. But the nuvee plugin is opensource i think? https://github.com/mirror/nuvee/tree/master/nuvee_ps2_usb%20-%20guncon2%2C%20keyboard%2C%20mouse/src ? Maybe someone fork that project and translate that to gamepad that it is feedable by vjoy2 or use other techniques like net communication from Lichtknarre-plugin ( https://github.com/Geekonarium/LichtknarrePlugin ) to PCSX2-plugin. There are many possible solutions. 🙂 Need to find time for this.
