control pc Archive - Geekonarium projects, electronics, fun, geek stuff Fri, 31 Jan 2025 18:46:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 control pc Archive - Geekonarium 32 32 Lichtknarre – The ultimate lightgun tool Sun, 12 Dec 2021 21:26:34 +0000 The "Lichtknarre"-project will give you the ability to use your wii remote to control your pc with iron sights/line of sight accuracy. The cursor is where you aim.

For gaming and home entertainment.

Der Beitrag Lichtknarre – The ultimate lightgun tool erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.


Lichtknarre makes your dream of light gun gaming come true.

Our vision of the application is to have different tracker plugins where many different devices are served with all possible tracking methods. These are then assigned to a player and forwarded to the games via the connector plugins.


32/64 bit – Windows 7 to 10 – Win11 should work but not tested

The software is still in beta status

Feel free to comment if you like it, found a bug or if you have questions. If you want todo me a favor please mark that project as made on instructables. Please download the program only from the official source, otherwise it could be modified. But in general we do not take any responsibility for any problems/damage.

check changelog (with known bugs), older versions and comming soon:
Use Lichtknarre under these terms:

Der Beitrag Lichtknarre – The ultimate lightgun tool erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.

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Lightgun Lichtknarre > About the plugin system Sat, 27 Nov 2021 00:12:53 +0000 Here you will also find information on how to programme your own connector or tracker plugin. In addition, tracker plug-ins are also compared here.

Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > About the plugin system erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.


What’s going on here?

Here you can learn about the Lichtknarre plug-in system. 

If you dont know what “Lichtknarre”-Lightgun is check this out:

What is the Lichtknarre plugin-in system?

The Lichtknarre plugin system makes the software modular so that it can communicate with emulators/games and devices. Here we distinguish between two types of plugins. Connector plugin and tracker plugin. Tracker plugins are responsible for the devices and connector plugins for the games/emulators. Lichtknarre do the playermanagement inbetween and much more.

See Pipeline

The communication is standardised by the Lichtknarre app between connector and tracker plugins.

vjoy – connectorplugin

The vjoy connector plugin sends data to the vjoy software which can be downloaded here: In this case the emulator thinks the inputs comes from game controllers.

mouse – connectorplugin

The mouse connector plugin sends data to the windows mouse api.

wii 2 LED – tracker plugin

Tracks data from the wii device and do position calculation for 2 LEDs and send it to the Lichtknarre-Software.

wii 4 LED – tracker plugin

Tracks data from the wii device and do position calculation for 2 LEDs and send it to the Lichtknarre-Software.

programm it yourself

You can also programme a connector or a tracker plugin yourself. Have a look at the Github pages for this:

Maybe for your next Unity game?

(At the moment sources are not up to date on github. Please be patient. Soon working pipeline will be created etc. Come to discord if your developer 🙂

dev community

Read tutorials before asking questions! This is only for developers and not for support. Read website or write questions on the website.

You can also ask your questions in this forum:,167028.0.html

Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > About the plugin system erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.

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Lightgun Lichtknarre > Wii 4 LED tracker plugin – iron sight aim Mon, 31 Aug 2020 19:27:36 +0000 The "Lichtknarre"-project will give you the ability to use your wii remote to control your pc with iron sights/line of sight accuracy. The cursor is where you aim.

For gaming and home entertainment.

Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > Wii 4 LED tracker plugin – iron sight aim erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.


Whats going on here?

Here you will learn all the information about the Lichtknarre – Wii 4 LED tracker plugin. If you don’t know what Lichtknarre is, then look here:

The Wii 4 LED Tracker Plugin lets you play with 4 LEDs and the Wii remote with the accuracy of a rear sight.

Show me!


  • Only needs to be calibrated once in theory.
  • The user can move to a certain degree. It is not necessary to stand exactly in the spot where the calibration was made.
  • Wii controllers can be quickly connected without the need for Windows menus.
  • Easy to use with other games through vjoy2- or mouse-plugin.
  • Yes you can rotate the Wii controller. It takes about 1 second for the programme to readjust. But this is actually no problem in use.
  • The gun only needs to be 1.3 – 1.5 times as far away as the display is wide.

Getting started

Follow this Step by Step Guide:

Come back for troubleshooting.



  1. Update your Windows! Windows 10 has several Bluetooth Updates. Look here:
  2. The special -TR version atm not working:
    1. There are wii motion plus remotes with TR and no TR.
  3. The wiiremote does not want to connect.
    1. Make sure your Windows-OS is up to date.
      1. If not make sure the bluetooth driver are installed in a correct way.
    2. Make sure your wii is off and than hold 1 and 2 till it is listed. Wait 10 seconds if you accendantly hit another button or do not hold 1 and 2 simultan.
    3. See solution 5
    4. See solution 6
    5. Disconnect Mayflash Dolphin-Bar. Make sure your PC only have one bluetooth-radio. Restart your computer and try again. 
      (I want to have MayFlash Dolphin-Bar support in future as an alternative more worse position recognition, but also with iron sight accuracy.)
    6. Some antivirus software do not allow the Lichtknarre-tool to use bluetooth by default. Maybe Windows Defender. You have to configure the antivirus software that it allows the tool to use bluetooth.
  4. My LEDs jump in the preview or flickers.
    1. see solution 1
    2. Configure IR sensitivity settings. Maybe to max.
    3. Use the BAD-LED mode which is available since 0.9.8.
    4. Your LEDs are too weak or have a limited glowing angle. Consider to build the LEDs from out tutorial:
  5. The cursor jumps back and forth.
    1. see solution 1 and 2
  6. My cursor jumps across the screen in a kind of grid.
    1. see solution 3
  7. The cursor moves too slowly.
    1. see solution 4
  8. When I connect my Nunchuck, the programme crashes.
    1. First connect the Nunchuck and start the programme.
  9. If I connect more than one Nunchuck, the programme crashes.
    1. This will hopefully be fixed in the next version.
  10. My cursor moves with an offset
    1. lookup this configuration:
    2. If you use vjoy2 plugin and the offset is only in the emulator, than its because of the emulator/game configuration. Please check mouse plugin without emulator/game if this happens also.

Possible solutions:

  1. You have other light sources around the screen.
    These must be eliminated. Even if you think there are none, there may be some due to reflections from other light sources in the surroundings. It may also be the case that yesterday everything still worked, but today it no longer works due to the incident sunlight. After these have been eliminated you should recalibrate the gun.

    1. You can use your smartphone’s camera to help you do this. This can make IR light sources visible.
    2. You can set the IR sensitivity in the programme. As reflective lights are usually darker, they can be excluded.

  2. You are standing too close to the screen. The gun must be at least 1.3-1.5 times the screen width.
  3. The wii camera only has a resolution of 1024×768, so if you have set a 4K resolution, not all pixels on the screen can be reached. You should therefore play at a lower resolution.
  4. It could be that your Bluetooth device is too slow. Check the compatibility lists of the wii remote for this.
  5. You installed third party wii software driver to your computer. For example: HID wiimote by Julian Oehr or touchmote (not sure about that). Please uninstall these drivers before usage.

    A good tool for this is:
    Please beware that you can damage your pc when you do something wrong. No waranty. On your own responsibility.

  6. You’r bluetooth dongle is incompatible. Please check:

Der Beitrag Lightgun Lichtknarre > Wii 4 LED tracker plugin – iron sight aim erschien zuerst auf Geekonarium.

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