Comments on: Lightgun Lichtknarre > Wii 4 LED tracker plugin – iron sight aim projects, electronics, fun, geek stuff Fri, 31 Jan 2025 18:46:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sebastian Wed, 01 Nov 2023 22:05:57 +0000 In reply to Dimitrios.

As long as it’s not affiliate links and you are not the seller you can do it. The internet laws are complicated, I hope I’m not making a mistake ;-( so it shouldn’t be a commercial one where I create an income for myself or over 3 corners I think. atm this website runs under family law website so I don’t have to post my personal information.

And thanks for your positive feedback πŸ™‚

By: Dimitrios Wed, 01 Nov 2023 20:11:12 +0000 For anyone that’s not very good at electronics, you can buy a USB 4 LED IR sensor from Ali Express for around Β£14
I’m just trying it now. So far, no major issues.
Not sure if I’m allowed to post links here. If I am let me know and I’ll give you the link.

By: Sebastian Wed, 15 Dec 2021 14:19:27 +0000 In reply to Sebastian.

I updated this message again xD Because of too much wrong infos. I corrected them. THanks for asking this stuff. This will help others to understand better πŸ™‚

By: Sebastian Wed, 15 Dec 2021 14:03:46 +0000 In reply to Michael.

01: 850nm is only the wavelength of the light which comes out of the LED. 850nm means that it is infrared light. This is the same for high power LEDs and low powered LEDs. The High Power LEDs which i suggested in this tutorial consumes accordion to the specs on the ebay website 3W: . I think a normal low powered LED consumes around 0,1W or less i think.

Example IR LED 850nm High powered:
Example IR LED 850nm Low powered:

YOu can use the specs of the LEDs here in the LED calculator: to find out how you have to design your circuit.

02: If you watched that video: you can see that i build magnets into the LEDs housing so that i can put it on the projector canvas. I fix it in place with another magnet on the backside of the canvas, so that it holds together with the magnet in the LED housing. This works very well.

03: Yes the 2 LED tracker works very well but is not suited for beamers/projectos. Because for beamer you have to stay too much away from the screen that this could be enjoyable. But try it πŸ™‚ The 2 IR LED Tracker is more for normal screen sizes.

04: Please try to join over this widget:

hmm about the comments. This is bad. I don’t know how to fix that yet. But feel free to open new thread. Or reply how it works

Update: You can see for the low powered LED uses 5V … An USB Cable has 5V output so theoretical you could put it directly on USB cable. 1 USB cable for 1 LED. But didn’t test that yet. But please check the output specs of the power adapter that it is no special cable and always apply cable socks to the connection that you cannot touch blank wires. πŸ˜€ Im not pro either so safty first πŸ˜‰

Watt = Ampere x Volt

By: Michael Wed, 15 Dec 2021 13:34:13 +0000 In reply to Sebastian.

Hi Sebastian, not sure why but the site doesn’t allow me to reply on the thread above. It just refreshes the page, so following up to your answer on a new comment.

Follow up 01 with a few doubts.

01. High power LEDs
> 4 IR LED Tracker plugin with strong IR LEDs as described in the video.
> Low power IR 850 nm LEDs
Yes, I was planning on using it in both, TV and projector, so better the high power LEDs I think.
One doubt, in the page for building the LEDs – – mentions 850nm as well (4 x IR 850 nm High Power LEDs ). Not sure if the Low power ones are lower than that?

What should one look for for those ‘high power LEDs’? is it a higher nm value than 850 for the High power ones?

02. 4 LEDs in projector
Do you by any chance have an idea of how one could stick the 4 LEDs should I be able to make it in the future to the fabric in a projector?
I couldn’t think of a way to put the bottom one and the 2 on the sides. It seems they would just fall off?

03. 2 IR LED Tracker
I would definitely check the 2 IR solution then. Following you and Ginzu to keep updated.

04. Discord
Getting an ‘Invite invalid’ error message when clicking on the link if you can create a new one?
– This invite may be expired, or you might not have permission to join.

By: Sebastian Wed, 15 Dec 2021 11:07:30 +0000 In reply to Michael.

Sry needed to update the messages several times πŸ˜‰

By: Sebastian Wed, 15 Dec 2021 09:44:12 +0000 In reply to Michael.

Hi Michael,

thank you for your comment πŸ™‚

Are you planning to play on a projector? Then you should use the 4 IR LED Tracker plugin with strong IR LEDs as described in the video. If you are only playing on a standard monitor, then you can also use low current IR LEDs with the 4 LED Tracker plugin.

I can’t tell you if it works to tape off the LEDs of the WiiBar so that only one side is visible and then arrange them correctly on the monitor. Because I have never done that. Theoretically it could work. But it is actually super easy to build IR LEDs with USB. Best you search for it on youtube. Low power IR 850 nm LEDs are very cheap and you always have old USB cables lying around somewhere. May i should do a new Video with USB solution? If you end up using 4 low power IR LEDs you have to play around with the BAD-LED value till you satisfied πŸ˜‰ But it should work as you can see here:

We don’t offer any professional products on this topic, because this is just a hobby site πŸ™‚ Maybe someday someone will make a kit for the infrared LEDs.

There is a new version coming out very soon which includes a 2 IR LED Tracker plugin that also works with the Wii sensor bar. Of course you have to keep a bigger distance to the screen. Nevertheless it is very accurate with rear sight.

Ginzu is so kind and currently making a video for it and then the new version will be released together. You can come to the Discord channel to get the test version : . All bugs should be fixed by now. Play with only one sensor bar is also very nice πŸ™‚ And it has also rear sight accuracy.

If you have more questions let me know πŸ™‚ and also if you managed to make it work πŸ™‚

By: Michael Wed, 15 Dec 2021 01:06:22 +0000 Sebastian, awesome project, thanks.

I won’t know how to create the required LEDs, but I’m thinking about if it could be somehow workaround to have the most accurate 4-IR_LED setup system.

Do you think that if I manage to somehow put 4 different IR LED sensors, the system would work ok? eg, if I put 4 different Wii IR USB bars (and cover one of the ends with opaque insulating tape or similar)?

Not sure if IR LED bulbs and lamps exist for trying to achieve something similar even if I have to buy the same item a few times (if they exist)

By: Sebastian Mon, 02 Aug 2021 20:31:25 +0000 In reply to Realmof.


thanks for the positive comment. I will try to figure out your issue and also get this file signed by microsoft. Will see. I hope it is free. Than Tools like Bitdefender should like the Tool again.

If you can do me a favor and mark this project as made at ?

As for the backlog, the instructions for building the LEDs for the Lichtknarre as a video is almost ready.


By: Realmof Mon, 02 Aug 2021 18:35:27 +0000 I Love this project❀ and it works great for me! 😁 Thank you so much for creating this! the only issue I'm having is that every time I sync two controllers, the program has a crash and I have to reopen it. is this maybe a windows defender issue? πŸ€”. either way, everything else works perfect and I'm excited to see this program develop as time goes on, and features on the backlog get implimentedπŸ™‚]]> Hey there πŸ™‚

I Love this project❀️ and it works great for me! 😁 Thank you so much for creating this!

the only issue I’m having is that every time I sync two controllers, the program has a crash and I have to reopen it. is this maybe a windows defender issue? πŸ€”. either way, everything else works perfect and I’m excited to see this program develop as time goes on, and features on the backlog get implimentedπŸ™‚
