
The content which is available on this website is protected by german law (xD). if the content is not created by geekonarium, than you have to respect the copyright of the content creator. if you find some copyright break on this website pleace contact us. We will fix that issue. 

Copyright for software and sourcecode.

All downloaded software or sourcecode can be downloaded for free and used in private.
Republish and comercial use is not allowed. Patches and advancements has to be 
coordinated with Geekonarium.

Copyright music, sound 

All downloaded music, sound can be downloaded for free and used in private.
Republish and comercial use is not allowed.

Copyright pictures, video

All downloaded pictures, video can be downloaded for free and used in private.
Republish and comercial use is not allowed.
Expect for media who want to publish news about projects from this website. (not the website in general)


When you want to have an exception of these rules feel free to contact us.